Tuesday, June 7, 2011

News and Various Things

Like the novel's title, the path to the publication of Journey through the Land of Shades has been a long and arduous one, fraught with pitfalls and much gnashing of teeth. In the end, as is often the case with such things, the end result has proven to be well worth the tribulations. I have become increasingly fussy over the graphic appearance of the covers that depict my novels' content and have become more insistent that the cover art be a physical representation of the vision in my mind's eye. Steven Efondo (Sefdesign) has taken up the challenge...meeting and exceeding it brilliantly...especially with Closures in Blood and now, Journey through the Land of Shades. I'm biased of course, but I absolutely adore this cover and I very proud that it will front the novel beneath.

Here is the first public view of Journey through the Land of Shades...which will be released in early July if all goes according to plan:

Without Steve's assistance in bringing these novels to life, I'm not sure I would have the desire to forge ahead and for his help, he has my most sincere gratitude.

Though The Converging Trilogy has run its course, I still cannot neglect the impact that Elizabeth Simpson and Cynara Saravic's tale has had upon my creative life. I want to share this story with as many fans of the horror genre as I can and this Is why I've decided to offer the first volume of the trilogy for free across all of the e-book platforms. In The Converging Trilogy, I believe I have captured the spirit of the genre that seems to have been lost over the course of the last decade or so. At the very least, this work can stand as my way of paying homage to a genre from which I have derived so much enjoyment over the course of my life.

Still, for the time being (and for some years to come I would imagine based on my plans for the Land of Shades series) my focus will be on the recounting of Islena's Doraux's epic fantasy tale...I hope those fans who have enjoyed my writing thus far will accompany me on this long and perilous journey.

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